In the book, The Mysteries of axioms in rhetorical judgment general theory of relativity, following the example of learning Theological Worlds, we concluded that the general theory of relativity Spiritual Worlds in modern science can best be expressed only through the grammar of the language of the book - Canon, transferring Secrets of the Spirit! .. And these languages, for example, are as follows: 1. Sanskrit submitted four Vedami Hindu, 2. Or Hebrew - Toroy Judaism! .. In this same book for better understanding and strengthen the faith of sound components of our mind, we would mechanism manifestations of these Sacraments disclose more effectively and extensively! .. With regard to the need for full disclosure by the Five Fundamental axioms, for example, that: 1. Full information fields Sacraments Spirit formed in wildlife, from both inside and outside surrounding each individual living being, for example, Noosfere Earth (science)! .. 2. Those in the fields telepathic, as the antenna, accepted full of his body, for example, the biotech structures, depending on the specific chromosomal DNA, or varieties of the body, there! 3. The composition of this body focus well received by them in the fields of the energy centers, for example, the seven chakras (Hinduism) or the seven churches (Christianity)! 4. Then received information in the energy centers in the coming general information center of the essence, for example, represents its spiritual heart (Judaism)! .. 5. And, finally, put in the word of some of Spiritual Language, manifests itself in the minds of the living being! .. In kabbale Judaism: 1. The first axiom is associated with the submission of Sfire Keter - Crown! .. 2. The second - with Sfiroy Hohma - Wisdom! .. 3. The third - with Sfiroy Briya - Mind! .. 4. The fourth - the amount of six subsequent Sefirot, united under the title Sfiry Tiferet - Mercy! .. 5. And fifth - with Sfiroy Malhut - the kingdom! .. But it would be understandable, and it would be in harmony if not for the fact that the man after his fall was sent to Earth, bringing along with the kingdom of heaven - the name of God, who taught Adam was, and demonstrated the kingdom terrestrial and people through vkushenny fruit with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, was taken ambivalent on the information: 1. As a relatively good; 2. And on Evil! .. For this reason, Mind of Light was closed in the Razumom Darkness! .. |