There is not a secret that the religion of the prophet Abraham''s start with the first condition God that he came with his family, which is as The First Image Communities God, the country idolater!.. But why is this is the first condition for God is so necessary for the practice of these religions?.. Because visible our sensory matter close to us Intuitive vision of the living God and His laws!.. But why such claims do not compromise the ancient religion, reckon the followers of religions of the prophet Abraham to Paganism?.. Because in the ancient religions of their main purpose was to need care each individual person from this world of suffering caused by Karmic laws of God in Judaism caused by violation of restraining 365 - Negative Commandments Torah!.. And for the care in the ancient religions had carefully developed many techniques for various spiritual states rights when their birth on Earth, which were due to differences of caste classes, in which the identity of birthday!.. Therefore, it can not be said that such techniques care of idol worship to the prophet Abraham did not exist!.. But with the prophet Abraham, a new Objective existence of mankind on earth, under the direct supervision of the Single Living God! .. This new target was due to the fact that mankind will eventually his spiritual rebirth would be a lieutenant of God - Mashiah on Earth, together parts of 600 thousand religious communities, each of which must be followed 248 Authorizing - positive commandments of Torah, visible and interpreted at an angle of his specific ideas arising out of different names the Jewish people, who came in the days of Prophet Moses from the rule of Pharaoh of Egypt!.. And adherence to that goal, with the necessary performance of the First Conditions God that this came out to each community from the country idolater, in no way hindered, but helped to elaborate techniques of ancient religions exit from the world of restraining Commandments Torah, which showed the way as this condition is the most effectively! .. But in fact it turns out that many people who consider themselves adherents of any religion of the prophet Abraham''s next, not only forgotten techniques of ancient religions, but also tried to destroy them, that would trace of them left!.. And now, without knowing how to emerge from his idol worship, as the tale AS Pushkin were face to face with broken tub!.. Why?.. Because forget God first condition that primarily with the religion of the prophet Abraham in their lives need to get out of the country idolater!.. |