A stumbling block position in the heart of the Savior told us! But where was the very essence of stumbling? According to the Torah, when our ancestors were sent to Earth for vkushenie in Paradise forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and then revealed the essence of the stumbling life in this world of ambivalent about the descendants of the descendants of Hawa serpent (the Torah, Brayshaw, 3:15) ! And will put enmity between thee (Zmiem) and between a woman (Havoy), and between thy seed and between her seed, it will astound you in the head (the causes of their actions due to the existence of free will on Earth), and you will bite in his heel (the consequence of the Laws of Karma, as the Laws of a Torah prohibition, by the descendants of Hawa reasons). Therefore, we are constantly pretykaemsya on this stone, as the free will of our action is now due to the duality of our perceptions: 1. Whether our domestic, as we mistakenly think, good on the outside the world of Evil! 2. Whether our inner evil on the outside of the world good! And this is due to the circumstances of Ivry - peccant inside our souls, because our perception and our activities in our lives in this world on earth affects the forbidden fruit, our progenitor vkushenny! And, by the free will of our sins affect offspring serpent in the head, we in this world on earth and get Revenge CARMEN because they zhalyat us to heel! This, in the absence of our spiritual transfiguration of the world, inevitable in our world on Earth CARMEN Revenge and was the stumbling block! In this book, we are still limited by the knowledge that due to the lack of the Living Word of God in our world on Earth, ie thus far do not consider the Inverse Knowledge, which are laid down in the Holy Scriptures avraamicheskih religions! Why? Our Stone of stumbling, due to the Laws of Karma, underlines our sinful origin of our ancestress Hawa, and thereby revealed the laws, due in our lives, according to the Torah, our Cause - effect relations with the descendants of serpent! And in order to reveal the essence of the split, take advantage of those features in the knowledge of our world on Earth, which we identified in the second part of our previous books STRENGTHENING FAITH OF SCIENCE NEW THINKING! 1. We must clearly distinguish between that knowledge is knowledge of discord, as we have seen in the zodiacal symbolism Fishes floating in different directions, where are these fish and have the knowledge coming both from the Dead, and Living Waters, a reference to the existence of which we find in fairy tales! 2. And for that we need to become a distinction of Worlds Inobytiya Creation of God in Paradise with the worlds on Earth, as their back side! 3. Consider turning the world on Earth, on the Worlds Inobytiya the Creation of God in Paradise! 4. Consider skrytost Sfiry Keter versify minor signs of the Earth! 5. Consider undeveloped Symbol Aleph as the link between the nature of minor signs of Elements Earth! 6. Consider camouflage Sfiry Hohma in the dust cloth Lyrics Earth, in which there are five bodies of man! 7. Consider camouflage Sfiry Bean Parent Beginning versify Water, Six Sefirot masculinity versify Fire and Sfiry Malhut femininity in the Air Lyrics! 8. Consider turning marks in the Hebrew alphabet language dual world of good and evil on earth! 9. Consider the possibility of the Earth''s first and last marks Aleph and Tav alphabet Hebrew language only living Word of God! In regard to these characteristics, which show us just avraamicheskie religion, we can look like with the parties and to describe a stumbling block, which prevents us to get to know the Living Word of God, ie, Savior, and as a consequence, in the Sacrament of Communion RIGHTS TO GOD! |