As we see that as:
1. Ancient Science, begin to explore the structure of universes with the help of astronomical research methods; 2. So modern science and physics, deepen inside the mother so much that has reached the threshold of a vacuum; They are faced with countless barriers spaces of the desert, beyond that, using physical methods of their research, it has become impotent! .. But DAUGHTERS, which left the Jewish people during the prophet Moses, already known to mankind from the Torah about 3.5 thousand years! .. It can be concluded that Mankind in the scientific methods for investigating the matter, disregarding the Guidance of God, that it left the country idol worship, otbrosilo spiritual growth of its civilization at the millennium! .. As it should be taken into account that any their way, according to the Torah, it is sure to be confronted with the need for a way out of hostility - Egypt, which arises from the pride of mind - each Pharaoh ruling man in the space of the desert - SAMADHI! .. It is in this desert hidden secrets of spiritual growth of humanity! .. In other words: 1. The person should or stopping their thinking, abandon planted in him, he navivaemyh Zmiem Iskusitelem in his mind related knowledge from our vkusheniya praroditelyami fruit Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil! .. 2. Or your thinking to agree through Living Word of God - the Savior, with the will of the Lord God, how could this way, it tasted Healing fruit with the tree of knowledge of eternal life! .. As observed in Judaism, the spiritual growth of man can occur only when it will decide during its life necessarily contradictory tasks! .. These conflicting objectives and aims to find a man through his mind, the choice of its path between vkusheniem: 1. Whether the dual World Knowledge of Good and Evil! .. 2. Whether knowledge Absolyutnogo Mira eternal life! .. Thus, one can conclude that: 1. Choosing the first way, for example, in exploring the depths of his cloth, vvergaet man in his uncontrollable stupidity! .. 2. In contrast, the second track - leading him to spiritual growth in the knowledge they Worlds of eternal life, where his folly becomes controlled maintained Freedom - the desire of God - Eretz Yisraeyl! .. But why explore the depths of matter stupid? .. Because of the Tory long known that these depths are composed of 600 thousand information differ reshimot of the variety of cloth of all worlds in the creation of God, which was created Adam! .. And these are incompatible with each other reshimot were slepleny with each other in Adam Lord! .. When, after the fall, Adam was on earth, after his death, his body split on these 600 thousand splinters! .. And on Earth have been lost as a result of the unity of the reshimot! .. But in times of the prophet Moses when the Jewish people nagvaley out of Egypt and received the Leadership Mountains mention - Sion in the Torah, the 600 thousand reshimot were again united, but in the face of an integrated community of the people, related communications between the guidance - Zion Torah! .. It is therefore silly to look for these well-known 600 thousand reshimot, taken together constitute the roots of the word Hebrew language, which is reflected within each nagvalya! .. For example, the roots of words may be among themselves in an expanded explanatory dictionary or encyclopedia of the language! .. Carlos Castaneda tolkovnik words such calls the island Tonal, which is surrounded by Ocean Bezmolvnogo Knowledge, which operates NAGVAL all of our, of whom nothing can be said is only through combining all known 600 thousand reshimot, united among themselves in Suzhdenie Banner Living Word Lord - the Savior, reflecting the wishes us Doing God - Eretz Yisraeyl! .. And it Bespredelnoe Suzhdenie God, and seems to us to Mount Zion - mention, for example, caused, both orally and in writing Torah! Plato, revealing to us the existence of irrational side of logic, writes: For each common word has a special eydos. An important aspect of metaphysical eydosov is that Plato felt more real than material things, because they do not change, do not kill and do not disappear. The specific material things suffer damage and destroyed, but eydosy are not in space or time, they may not know the feelings, but only the human intellect or the mind. Home Plato''s metaphysical theory is that for peace volatile and prone to destruction belongings there is another world of perpetual eydosov constant. Perceived by us things are only a distant relationship with the true realities. Plato makes it clear that his famous and sink into memory to normal conditions of human existence: It is like the situation of prisoners, prikovannyh so that they saw only open the inner wall of the cave, where they can see only shadows cast on the wall, not knowing anything about the real world, located outside. Kabbale In Judaism, there is also a similar eydosam, the notion of language roots, which we commend, in this physical world through the known phenomena and objects, language branches, for example, which is Hebrew! .. |