By itself, information and serves to differentiate the description of the diversity that surrounds us! .. But it turns out that information is information division, and depends on the spiritual hierarchy, to which it is! .. This phenomenon has long been known, for example, in Judaism, we explained that the Torah has four levels of understanding called Pardisom! .. In order not to confuse information belonging to the different levels of spiritual hierarchy of God, as in science, we are also witnessing the emergence of various religions and their religious schools! .. To do so, for example, Hinduism presents us with carefully designed system of eight schools classical yoga, and shares any society into four castes classic, specializing, each of them, the need to satisfy certain of its debt - Dharma, which must perform in order to be happy, in accordance with their caste, every person in the course of their life on Earth! ..
The perception of the real mysteries of canonical scriptures, for example, Judaism, is intended to "living in the Spirit Lord! .. For those not ready for such a perception, as the Savior, is dead in the Spirit of God! .. Therefore dead, as stated in the Koran, the truth of God, only increases their delusion! .. Therefore, spiritual information can be perceived by each person living in such a highly intimate and subjective, like the perception of "holographic" images when necessary condition for becoming, at least, its two components:
1. Hologram (wisely - rassudochnoe comprehension of the Bible);
2. Specific requirements for its coverage (the perception of the Spirit of the Lord).
In this case, you can say that, for example, the Torah, the language Hebrew, is of a "packaged" set of laws God commanded, the axiom which could unfold in person only person intimately - "living in His Spirit."
Therefore, on this path of Judaism, in the knowledge of mysteries of the scriptures, spiritual there is a strict hierarchy Stairs James. There is a strict hierarchy and the scriptures that appear as a result of their strict interpretation of the legality of their midrasha:
1. Tanah;
2. Mission;
3. Our Mishna;
4. Jerusalem Talmud;
5. The Babylonian Talmud;
6. halahicheskie setting;
7. and ressponsy.
Required to read mysteries scriptures on a theoretical path is the condition that the people of researching, was guide Spirit of the Lord. Ie referring, for ease of explanation to the above example of holographic images, it is necessary that the hologram - Scripture person could illuminate relevant Spirit of the hierarchy to which it applies Scripture. For example, as we stated earlier, Tora has four levels of perception in Pardise.
A fundamental differences between what the top spiritual hierarchies from lower? ..
Scripture upper hierarchies necessarily, in its composition, have aggody, parables or myths and make laws of God. Below are the Scriptures Galakhov, which, interpreting canons, we explain the laws of similarity aksiomatichnoy essentially meaning aggod. And even lower - those that contain a variety of conditions, and many instructions, as these conditions are met, so as not to disturb the law - the will of God.
But what about the man who is essentially dead in the Spirit of God? ..
Kabbalah of Judaism explains that to perceive the Spirit of God, a person must purchase those properties, which likened him to the properties himself God! .. And so people should buy a jar of similarity to God, for example, in His Mercy! .. For example, in Judaism there, as we mentioned above, various types of Christian or lyubavicheskoe movement, whose members are in their actions must upodoblyatsya embodied spiritual teachers of humankind - the saints - righteous - tsadikam! ..
The appearance in Judaism, these fundamentally different methods of worship, called for even greater distinction information aspects of the exercise! .. As a result, when the Christian movement split in the Orthodox and Catholics, for the silly smeshivayuschih information from these exercises, a special exercises for distinguishing aspect - the jihad of the Gospel of Torah! .. That is, allegoricheski words, just to caste mixed - aravityan, as we know, under the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad, a doctrine embodied in the Koran, which subsequently led to an independent Islamic movement! ..

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