Kabbalah of Judaism reveals to us the sacrament of the fact that any language, based on a description of known objects and phenomena of the material world, can be just like heaven Language of God, called the language roots! .. Therefore, all the languages that we use on Earth, may be language only лbranches╗ of Spiritual Awareness - Energy Hierarchy of God, we can provide a лtree of knowledge of eternal life╗! .. But there should be a reservation that the outer side of the лbranches╗, because of our praroditeli tasted forbidden fruit with лTree of Knowledge of Good and Evil╗, may reflect only on our judgments about the perceived us a world where judgments are always on, the Or: 1. The description of evil, it always appears to be relatively good deeds! .. 2. And when describing good, it naturally turns on the Evil! .. Such a phenomenon existing in the information - energy flow of Nature, in the Torah, allegorichno represented лwealth of Egypt╗, which as we know, has been a лExternal Ubranstvom╗ First Temple Jews, while leaving them out of Egypt in the лdesert╗! But why would they then were in Egypt? .. In Egypt, they were forced to enter in order to satisfy this information - Energy Hunger, which covers all of humanity! .. But why would they then withdrew from Egypt into the wilderness? .. To: 1. At first, to quench Information - Energy hungry and gain full knowledge of the principles presented above its relative judgments resulting from the лvkushennym Forbidden fruit╗ with the лTree of Knowledge of Good and Evil╗! .. 2. And then change them at God''s Suzhdeniya principles on which we can provide as лvkushenie fruit tree of knowledge of eternal life╗! .. But why is God Suzhdenie relatively rather than absolutely! .. Infinity God''s Suzhdeniya Absolyutnogo people can not imagine, being a prisoner in his limited physical body! .. Therefore it can to make this its absolute only through its relatively Similarity! But what''s what, in this case may be relatively? .. Communication communities in its unity at worship inside the Temple, we can provide, such as staying in absolute Suzhdenii God! .. And emerging communication links between members of this community can be represented as a relative, whether: 1. Judgment personally every human community about its internal perception of God''s Suzhdeniya Absolyutnogo! .. 2. And judgments of every human person communities on the outside of his perception of relative God''s Suzhdeniya among all members of this community, like-minded - лits neighbors╗! .. It should be noted that the ancient religions were aimed at implementation of the first principle of a human on God''s Suzhdeniya Absolyutnogo! .. In avraamicheskih same religions different from the ancient necessity of Spiritual Communications Information - God''s energy flows between members of religious communities feasibility, as a first Mira perception of a person on God''s Suzhdeniya Absolyutnogo, and the Second God''s Suzhdeniya relative! Therefore it: 1. The ancient religion is different in that set out personally to every person of multiple births in their reinkarnatsionnyh лfiery hell╗, due to the Laws of Karma! .. 2. A avraamicheskie religion are those that seek to achieve the Court''s Day the Lord on Earth to Humanity in his relatively Suzhdenii Laws of God, caused Toroy was the likeness of God''s regent on earth - Eretz Yisraeyl - where лIs Doing God''s Fables╗! .. A perfect example of Entry on the second item, and put the Savior, who according to the Gospel first to the end and executed the laws of Torah - debt - Dharma on Earth, the realization Home phenomena of one body and blood - similarity, that is Information - Energy similarity, Mashiaha - Messiah - Christ on Earth! .. So, start the book with the consecration of fact - the relative power of symbolism Judgments Communication Principle Duhovnyh Worlds! .. On the symbolism people found consistently throughout their lives, to describe the visible world around them and through the symbolic speech to convey their impressions of him around his people. For the first time the symbolism of mankind is when God allowed Adam to name all of them Sotvorennoe (Torah, Brayshaw, 2:19; 20): лLord God formed out of the land animals of all field and all the birds of the air and gave [them] to the man to see, as he called them, and that every person shall be called as a living, and was addressed to her. And he called people names all the animals and birds of the air and the beasts of the field, but for a man unable to find a helper like him. ╗ And even in paradise, as we see necessary was the symbolism of a person to communicate with God and then with his лAssistant╗. Moreover, this symbolism was the necessary man when he was after his act of sin on Earth. It says Rene Genon, chapter лwords and characters╗, in the book лSymbols of the sacred science╗: лIn fact, every phrase, every phrase, what they were already the essence of a character thought that they pass outside and in that sense, and the language itself is nothing but symbols. There should be no contradiction between the meaning of the words and graphic symbols: these are two ways of expression rather complement each other (and in addition, can join together, because the letter was originally ideographic and even in some places, as in China, has maintained its nature). ... If you reflect on the fact that the natural laws that ultimately there is only an expression and discovery outside the Divine Will, is not to say that this is the origin of symbols "inhumane", as they say Hindu, or, in other words, that its original principle goes back much higher and farther than mankind? That is why, speaking of symbols, it is appropriate to recall the first line from the Gospel of John: "At the beginning was the Word". ╗ |