In this chapter we will stop at the SYSTEMS APPROACH FOR A NEW scientific understanding as it is to eat fruit S TREE OF LIFE EVER!
Turn our attention to the reader as a sponsor of this work, that the analysis of different methods of learning, presented above, shows us that the varieties SYSTEMS APPROACH study around us manifest the two characteristics associated:
1. On the uniqueness of each individual, which may be determined by the properties Seal Bet Hebrew language in which God''s Creation and begins to correct NEBYTIYA previously existed in the Divine world, according to myth On the Creation of the World submitted to the ancient book of Rigveda! ..
2. And no visible capacity communications links that may arise between the variety of unique identity, have combined to create a comprehensive and holistic to a substance! .. And that integrity can be determined by the properties already familiar Aleph Hebrew language, which existed even before the beginning of the creation, and thus marked UNITY Genesis God! ..
And by identifying those two particularly, immediately visible mistakes many theologians avraamicheskih religions who claim that God is One! .. But we emphasize that he is not only one, and is one of perpetual Genesis Life and Edin and even with his creation, which is inside him, where he was in his altruistic grace transforms Nebytie Death Mechanical sleeping space in Inobytie Probuzhdaemoy Life Creation! .. And through these two features systematic approach, which emphasizes Abraham in Sefer Ietsira:
1. On the one hand as the 10 Sefirot! ..
2. And the other 22 communication links between them, as a sign language Hebrew! ..
Therefore, in Paradise, we meet under the Torah is growing in the two tree of knowledge that will enable the fruit during his:
1. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, in the netherworld Spyaschego Space! ..
2. And tree of knowledge of eternal life, in Probuzhdennom Inobytii Creation of God! ..
But by themselves, these two trees Poznaniya not solve the ultimate goal! .. And that is why God in the end, and a man - Adam, who is to carry out the task of transition from nonexistence to existence! .. This feature is already beginning to comply with the median line of obtaining knowledge, done in the properties of the Symbol Gimel Hebrew language! .. But in order to protect the harmonious existence of Adam in Paradise, the God of his ribs - granite - Indoor fact, it creates Suprotivnogo Assistant - Hawa! .. That may be associated with properties prisoners already in Dalet Hebrew language! ..
So in the Torah, we can trace the birth of Creation in all 22 Seals Hebrew language, which may constitute hidden from our senses temple built of Communicative Properties of 22 of these signs, Carlos Castaneda prepodnosimyh as an abstract kernels needed to build the temple in where people will eventually wake up to, and may Novo existence of God, specifically here on Earth! .. This is New Genesis, for example, in the terminology of Christianity, known as the New Jerusalem, that is so the Third Temple, where and have a new perception of the world! ..
And it reflects us that the system is suitable of the Hebrew language and, consequently, in the Torah, for example, there are not symbols of the chromosomes, as in Sanskrit or runic languages, and the symbolism of ties between the Sefirot in the Tree of eternal life! .. And these links in Dreve that is equal to 22! ..
Thus, by analogy, we can say that in the Hebrew language, as its characters themselves are not used chromosomes of the human body and their supply system vital energy of God, for example, the physical level, such as relating to blood circulation and other systems that Ibn Sina hence the term juices body, which has a component of 22 varieties, like, for example, 22 amino acid! ..
And as shown Sefiroty directly in the human body? ..
From the perspective of Hinduism, you can say that the seven energy centers - chakras, which are intended to telepathic connection, a man with three Chakrami Parent Beginning God! ..
But as a Jew born of Ivry - greshnoy mother, it becomes necessary to make the sacrament of circumcision in the flesh, it is sinful to Chakri. From the perspective of Hinduism, are closed chakras, the information only on the bottom of the underlying spiritual hierarchy, relating to wildlife. But opening these chakras, through the study and performance Commandments of Torah, to get the three Energy Center Parent Start Higher Spiritual Hierarchy of God in Judaism Kabbale called SOSUDAMI Habad, but izotericheskom Christianity SOSUDOM Grail! ..
The 10 Sefirot in the human body, we can imagine:
1. SEMYU OPEN chakras, One femininity - Muladhara Chakra and six other Chakras Muzhskogo beginning! ..
And three Chakrami vessels Habbad Parent Beginning God, which can be opened only when the community principle of worship, the analogy of which we can see, for example, the Daoist Yoga! ..
Such a unit we can observe and analogies in science projective geometry theorem in Dezarga! .. There are also projections of seven points - field and three others like the horizon of infinity! ..
But in this chapter, we will not dwell on the description of chakras, as the presentation on this topic can be found in the literature. Let it:
1. In identifying mystery 10 Sefirot as 10 quality of God is eternal life Tree ...
2. And at 22 Signs Hebrew alphabet, revealing to us the mystery Living Torah, in possible links between the various qualities of God, through these signs telling her! ..

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