In this chapter we have just highlighted some of the features CELL SYSTEMS APPROACH ancient languages BASED Runic alphabet. Total same about their knowledge reader, as co-author of the works, can draw from literature, for example, which is available online in various languages! .. We have already submitted a particular language Sanskrit ... No such language existed and that of other peoples, they have evolved from runic alphabet! .. The peculiarity of these languages is that their characters were limited to 25 runami! .. Analogous to these runes are already fully coincides with the number 24 varieties of human chromosomes, plus a blank rune, which is similar to a shell eggs! .. Found the same spatial dissymmetry 8 chromosomes, such as male «U» chromosome, reflected 8 unbalanced runami! .. Given the ambivalence of the perception of asymmetric chromosome 8, rune alphabets also take into account their 32 varieties, plus 1 envelope, and therefore receive complete analogy Sanskrit alphabet, just in a more perfect form. Therefore, the scientists exploring different languages, came to the conclusion that there is complete analogy between the language of Sanskrit and Indo-European language group! .. For this reason, many religions and noted that the individual is open book, inside himself drawn from the various chains of varieties of chromosomes! .. «Read his book!» - Says in the Koran! .. Here in the Koran to be a phenomenon similar laws Karma Hinduism, that all acts that people commit in the course of his life, written in his book! .. And with that a book he comes at the end of his life in the court of God, who determines his fate in endless cycles of reincarnations in bespredelnosti LIFE Genesis God! ..

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