But who is there лThe Old Man╗? .. According to the Torah, the man sent to Earth from Paradise, after his fall, and thus cast into causation - link its relations with лdescendants Zmiya╗. лAnd the LORD said GOD snake: for what you have done this, cursed you to all the livestock and to all the beasts of the field, thou shalt go to thy womb, and shall eat dust all the days of your life, and will put enmity between thee and between wife, and between thy seed and the seed of her, it will astound you in the head, and you will bite him in pyatu. Geneva said: multiplying multiply thy sorrow in your pregnancy, in sickness will bear children and your husband to your appetite, and he shall rule over thee. Adamu said: the fact that you are the voice of your wife and ate from the tree of which I commanded thee, saying: do not eat him, cursed land for you; with sorrow shalt eat it every day of your life; terniya and volchtsy proizrastit it to you, and you will eat grass field in the sweat of thy shall eat bread, until they return to the land from which you have taken, because the dust and dust you return. ╗(Torah, Genesis, 3:14 ... 19) Becoming a cause - effect relationship with лdescendants Zmiya╗, now that the man, identified by terminology лOld╗, as subordinate to лOld Law╗, is beginning to perform any reason, it turns into Karmic depending on those of his reasons. And so the descendants Zmiya not fail bite pyatu such лOld Man╗, as a consequence of the manifestations of the law of karma. And because people receive from the interaction of negative spiritual experience, as the blows of fate, leading him to the suffering and лspiritual death╗ - spiritual sleep. But the little it has been shown above, since the fall of man, his consciousness was manageable л of the mind predator╗. |