But really, to Abraham, there were no appeals to God, that he extended the offspring of one kind or another? Of course, had been! And as they say in the proverb that everything new that is well forgotten old! It happened with the creation of new religion of Judaism, on the basis of the Experience of Humanity in the old - the oldest! The thing here is that in Hinduism there was separation of spiritual perfection, depending on the age of the state of man! They are divided: 1. On the spiritual condition of a person in childhood, which were allowed to engage in yoga begin no earlier than 7 - 8 years of age! Kabbalah of Judaism, this fact explains the fact that a person must first acquire in this life Receptacles desires, and then, with 13 years of age begin to engage in transformation of these vessels with the help of the Torah! 2. For the period of apprenticeship in youth! For the period of apprenticeship - apostleship, which is recommended to follow the practical ideal person Experience the Savior, as teachers, we can see, sharpens its focus and Christianity! 3. At the time of householder, whose responsibilities and is the main task of reproduction, to be presented to maximize the conditions for their re-transformation, in the inevitable cycles reinkarnatsionnyh infinite time-life of each individual soul! This is the period, largely as we can see, and drew himself Judaism! 4. Then, when you see in the eyes of the grandson of the first possible time of urgent care from grandparents and grandparents into the forest to further their spiritual development! And since Abraham and Sarah were already in the same age, the Lord God, and demanded from them so that they would have left the country idolater, which may well prove to people that is in a period of householder! 5. And in the end, when people «in the forest» receive direct illumination from God, as was the status of twice born, once of peccant mother of our physical world on Earth, but the second time in the Spirit of God the Father, he walked back from the forest into the world to become a spiritual master! This stage rights, but now as a Rabiul as we can see also combines Judaism! But we are in the book, introducing new ways of thinking, should try to look at the higher stages of spiritual perfection by a man, depending on his age! By analyzing the teachings of Judaism and Christianity, we can come to the conclusion that they used the combination of age-stages of spiritual development of Man, previously used separately in Hinduism! By this we can add the fact that Islam aims to distinguish the Torah of the Gospel, ultimately, in fact, also sharpens their attention to the distinction above the age of the stages of spiritual perfection man! |