As we see in the above paragraphs, some disagreement among the sages of Judaism in the understanding of the term «GALUT»! But how then to reveal the actual meaning of such important terms as «GALUT»? To do this, first of all, let''s get back to the first exile of our ancestors from Heaven to Earth! Why is it held? Because our ancestors disobedient will of God! Ie in heaven can exist only when you have no free will! A disobedient God, our ancestors, as they already could not exist in Heaven, were sent to this GALUT to Earth, where now and allowed us this freedom of choice of our will to «I» and the road, and the truth and the life that becomes Obviously, each individual person in its evolutionary spiritual transformation in the endless cycles of its transformation, which, as the Hindus are this person only to the suffering of a violation of the Laws of Karma (the Torah, Brayshaw, 3:15): «And will put enmity between thee (Zmiem) and between a woman and between thy seed and between her seed, it will astound you in the head, and thou shalt bite him in the heel.» Hence, we clearly see that humanity is in exile re-education, which is the creation of God in heaven! And from what it was? From the fact that Hawa came in an interview with Zmiem - creation, though Tricky was all animals, but the spiritual hierarchy is below the man! So what of it? As a result, the interviews and made the first Khava Denial Will of God, even humanity as a reward for that one half received a quality of God, which is dual discovering the world of good and evil! And it was sent to Earth where there is already the principle of free will! As a result, all mankind, and is in GALUTE! But what then of the whole of humankind is the Jewish people? Meanwhile, if he will comply with the Contract with God, you can get out of this Exile! Besides, he may withdraw from the exile and all of humanity living on the earth! |