EXPANSION OF FOLK TRADITIONS IN RESISTANCE 256 types of damage manifested in territorial governmental entities EARTH AS OF ITS BODY
Article submitted in Russian

Currently, the fascination of many countries misunderstood democracy leads to a situation that completely obliterated in many countries, their national traditions, which were created for each unit of the Earth for centuries, which were later passed into state laws specific to each such territory! Many believe that these laws should be the same in any country! However, this contradicts the fact that our Earth is a living organism! So she, like all living organisms in the element of Earth is also has 256 types of damage which we have referred to Article 9 of «mixed up in opposition to expansion of 256 types of damage in a person''s actions, subject to the practice of kriya, agni, or karma yoga»! And each of these losses it falls on one or another of its territorial entity, as it were, are the organs of her body! And because people living in a particular area of the Earth, in the spiritual plane, becomes necessary to take into account all these features! Previously, when during the «Golden Age» common spirituality of humanity was high, then to counter this or that kind of damage, belonging to a particular area of land formed or that the people''s traditions! And these traditions can not categorically violate! Support of this categorization and the subject of this paper!

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