Where men can be hidden MISSING IN IT EIGHT BODIES

How is it possible that Nature so cheated men! Vaughn even bees, leading collective way of life, and then with disadvantaged circumstances throw the drones out of their homes! Yes, and people far away from them left! Arranged between its male population of the various warriors who kill millions of men out of their lives! Why are so disadvantaged male population of the Earth?
They have the drawback of its lack of Eight bodies!
But it can not be that such a deficiency in men admitted the Lord God, whose laws of Nature and made them so in the light of day!
Let the reader''s attention as they can be informative words of Russian! We concluded that in men there is "a flaw" in the number of their internal organs! Word flaw is composed of two constituents, the prefix "a" and the root of the word "John"! And that root us and shows that he belongs to a male to his top line with the Chinese language! Here are some miracles with the languages of different peoples, that to the test, they are related!
So, how many of these flaws in men?
We found that it lacks eight of his organs!
But where to find them?
Let''s find out! On the eight, in the spiritual literature, we can meet the SEA! For example, this:
1. Eight main characters in the myth of Dagon, described french ethnographer Marcel Griolem!
2. Eight Trigrams I Ching, the ancient Chinese philosophy!
3. Eight Ways of Buddha!
4. Eight systems of classical yoga!
5. Eight units in Svyatyaschihsya Sutyah nagual, four in men and four woman!
6. Hint in the Torah about the existence, but 613 commandments of the Torah, and even laws to eight people of Earth!
7. Laws of Kenya, where we can see eight of its vertices, in the new science Milogiya!
8. It.d!

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