Such recovery expansion of men in their environment and show us the religion emanating from the Prophet Abraham For example, this occurs when the prayer going to minyan, literally "from the yin-yang", at least 10 Jews! The idea of another expansion already, where about nagual man gathers representatives of different nations, we describe in their works of Anthropological Sciences Dr. Carlos Castaneda! On this expansion, we discussed in our previous book, "The expansion of the spiritual formation of the nagual as a carrier of one of the 600 thousand secret name of God» http://www.Ramiller69.narod.ru/! And in this regard, the story about this in this chapter, we can finish!
But here the reader should note that in the event of his desire to idolatry, in all its manifestations, referred to the expansion of men in the external and internal environment of its habitat simply disappears! And in this case it is not to count on in their current impoverished he himself in his life!