Words of the prophecy is firm
Natural death, you can cancel, BUT words of the prophecy is firm

"What does the pen, do not cut down with an ax!"
Where do you start opening theme of this book?
Several digress from the Torah and recall of scientific research by Dr. anthropology of Carlos Castaneda, who open their spiritual secret of mankind set out in their literature - works of art! He, at times with his usual humorous material presentation, describes all of the incidents, in which he got, learning spiritual practice in one of the secrets of the spiritual Lines of so-called Toltec - New seers!
The fact that even a natural death can be canceled, but the words of prophecy inviolable, Carlos Castaneda in his book "The Power of Silence", wrote:
"He said that in the world of everyday life, our words and our solutions can be easily changed. The only definitive thing in this world was death. In the world of magicians, on the other hand, the natural death can be canceled, but the words magicians - in any case.
In the world of magicians solutions can not be changed or revised. The only thing they can do is to stay forever. "
But why is this so? ..
Because the Will of God is unshakable! The prophets convey this His will, his "tongue-tied speech" by the Canons of the Scriptures. Otherwise, the Living Word of God - the Savior, would always could deny and reduced to the usual verbiage that plagues our mind from the dual perception of relative peace "Good and Evil," due to "confusion of languages" and the "construction of the Tower of Babel" of our egoistic mind and "eaten the forbidden fruit" of our forefathers.
Otherwise, theology would become empty rhetoric and empty rhetoric in lawlessness. What we are seeing now, the idolaters of capitalist materialism. That, in order to emphasize the stability of the Laws of God, made by the prophets to mankind, I have the name of their first series of books introduced as "Axiom - Conservative ideology".

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