LANGUAGE ENCODING divine providence in the Book of Creation of Prophet Abraham

We have previously in Chapter 3 indicated that the functional - a hierarchical modeling is a distant goal of harmonizing the actions (functions) that must be taken to achieve it in the present and future tense. The idea of constructing a graph of the principle objectives of the tree was proposed by a group of researchers in connection with the problems of decision-making in the industry. Trees goals with quantitative indicators are used as an aid in decision-making and are in this case the name of decision trees.
But now we must refute the above application submitted to the primacy of this statement, as was done for several thousand years before, when this idea implemented in the Prophet Abraham Book of Creation, in direct co-creation with God! And this happened just when he negotiated, with the goal of creating a distant God of Abraham - the Father of Peoples, directly through their descendants, spiritual people of the Earth!
Then in the Book of Creation, and was implemented the idea of building a graph on the principle objectives of the tree - TREE OF LIFE EVER!

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