The book "Carlos Castaneda (90 minutes) devoted to a brief description of the philosophy, theory and practice of Carlos Castaneda (1925-1998), a prominent scholar of anthropo ¬ log, the famous author of twelve best-selling mystical, ¬ on a separate line in the birth of idealist philosophy that won a lot of followers, and possibly OD ¬ tion of the greatest mystifies the present. In this book about the complex Tensegrity exercises to achieve the second focus in the energy body, as Dare Nagual:
"Tensegrity - a system of magical movement, once ¬ developing awareness. They allow the person to quickly accumulate a large amount of free energy and become a conscious control over their energetiches ¬ kim body.
For many years, Carlos Castaneda and his companion in magicians ¬ acteristic travel Carol Tiggs, Florinda Donner-Grau and Taisha Abelard at the urging of his teacher Don Juan Matus, selected the most effective of the magical motion ¬ zheny which they were trained wizards from the party of Don Juan himself, Don Juan .
Over the years, all selected by them were systematized and three female guards them a magical group - Kylie Lun gave Rhine Myurez and Maya Myurez - in the form of self-tse ¬ lostnoy technology psychoenergetic ¬ th training, known as Tensegrity.
In 1993, Florinda Donner-Grau, Carol Tiggs Taisha and Abelard, along with three guards on orders Kar ¬ Voices Castaneda began to open the teaching of Tensegrity. The first workshops were held in 1993 - 1994 years in Rome-Instityut, Arizona, in Akohi-Farms, Maui, Hawaii, as well as in Isalenskom Institute, Big Sur, California.
Since approximately the same time, Carlos Castaneda, for some reason removed before never violation ¬ shavshiysya thirty ban on the publication of any kind was photographic and video material, the system of prac ¬ tics Tensegrity on each of the workshops were vi ¬ deosemki.
The first video on Tensegrity gone on sale in February 1995 in a book store Fe ¬ Knicks "in Santa Monica, California. Then was filmed a special training video. It female country ¬ Ms. demonstrate the technique in detail twelve bazo ¬ Closed Tensegrity movements - the first part of the magi ¬ ethical movements, in sufficient detail to explain the actions and background of the energy of each element.
Start the disclosure practices of the world people tensegri ¬ ty - not just a significant event. This - is the next breakthrough to the top of the Spirit, another step in a new quality of awareness. "

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