And what is more to "Arrows of Time"? Man, as a naturalist, can not feel time itself! He may know him only through the observation of various cyclical processes, which he can explore in our world! But once connected the physics concepts of space-time, and they were as a result of this and it is possible perception of direction of time, and that we can associate a BOOM! WHAT BOOM TIME? A. Lebedev, in his book "The apocryphal thinking about the arrow of time, flying without a rudder and without wind" (Kostroma, 2000), wrote: "Man, the physical picture of the world for which, as I knew for certain was written and Rutherford and Einstein and Bohr. What can I say about the outlook of the "average contemporary," one whose perception of reality is formed "card everyday? I do not know, I rarely ever talk to such "absurd, pointless topic" in general with anyone. Maybe that''s why I want to talk about what can be extracted from the futility and absurdity of space and time, if the reader is ready to turn away from the ordinary. And now it is up to you - whether to continue reading, believing that the author is sincere in his promises, or do something more robust in the sense of good effort. What is the arrow of time? The arrow of time - a strict scientific term, coined by the famous English astronomer and physicist Arthur Stanley Eddington in the 30-ies of the century for the characterization of such well-known properties of time, as it is unequivocal direction from past to future. Boom - a way of unidirectional movement. The huge experience of civilization shows that this is so. But why is this so? Is it always so? And for how long is it? " |