Of necessity of our spiritual RESET

Thus, according to the conclusion of the previous chapter, the circumstances need our spiritual Reloaded quite convincingly told us the ancient religions base their conclusions on the law of karma, which leads to the downstream processes of reincarnation! These circumstances can well imagine, and by analyzing the book Heydar Jemal "Focus North", which are revealed to us Sleeping Laws of the Cosmos, which operates the Spirit of his gratuitous activity, called this book a positive spirit!
To conduct this analysis, we can imagine that our objective selfish "I" is in the real world, where man is more likely to idolater, and the subjective "I", which we can "wake up" as a result of the spiritual "reboot" forced remain in the world due to all 12 of the arrow of time!
For completeness of information on this issue and we are forced to submit materials to the reader of this book as an Annex!

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