FATHER HOME Sephiroth as the main source principle of subsidiarity in God''s creation

In this chapter we consider the Parental Home Sephiroth, introducing him as the main source of the complementarity principle in God''s creation! Here, we must take into account the fact that this principle, one way or another, is included in all religions whose roots originate from the prophet Abraham, because he is credited with authorship of the appearance and surprisingly wise Book of Creation - Sefer Yetzira (Yetzirah)! Here we can see in his parents'' Beginning of the Sephiroth of their trinity, structurally reflecting the unity of the Infinite God, which is connected between a four Marks first alphabet Hebrew language! These four, and can talk to us, according to the projection geometry, or the law re-education, on the original qualities of God, His altruistic differing properties!

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