Again, note the reader that the terminology of the above presented work could be, by its interpretation, be brought into line with other authors of scientific works, and even the religious world. Thus, definitions:
1. The Law of Time and Holonomicheskuyu nature of the Galactic Brain could be presented as information - Temporal relationships of the complementarity principle of the Living Word of God, whose existence is confirmed, even in scientific research as revealed reshimot "elastic vacuum! 2. A reconfiguration of the mental field for entering the four-simultaneous order of reality and the four dimensional representation of space - time to bring the complex relations of projective geometry, as well as to study one of the Decree regulating reformation of, in its relationship with the other four subordinate! In this respect, then would be quite understandable presentation and GV Kosarev: "If we imagine that the universe is built on the principle of virtual computer spaces in which neither the width nor depth, nor height, and everything is set programmatically, by reference to the coordinates and codes (ie, names) of existing entities, then we, being within the space will feel like death itself, in fact, being nonvanishing, eternal entities, existing on the basis of information. The genetic program is such a basis. Life and death, in this case - is just a lesson and make room in RAM, if we use the concept of system unit computer. As is known, computer programs can run an unlimited number of times. This is true for genetic programming. But it turns out that the period of human existence does not depend on the possibility of multiple start the genetic program, but from the sense that a person takes a sense of their lives. Today it is possible to prove. The mathematical basis of the opening clearly shows that in the information world of nature can be laid only one way of coding, which allows information to identify records, through the process of comparing them. That is why all living organisms, not make mistakes, distinguish sweet from salty, cold from hot, etc. Unified Code, which defines the existence of all the seven colors of the rainbow (God put a rainbow sign of the covenant), the seven notes in music, and seven of the logic elements in computer is a mathematical pattern. The variety of electronic logic is based on three pillars, creating the diversity of information spaces as well as three colors in the color television to recreate the entire color spectrum. Computer information space based on the basic operations of logic cells, which are repeated many times, create the diversity of the world, bringing a semblance of unity and the three basic elements in the three basic operations. Therefore, both the Christian concept of the Holy Trinity is fully reflects the fundamental knowledge of the universe. If you read the scriptures and imagine that they describe the information and constructed world, we see that they are no mistakes. Will see the hidden meaning of texts, beyond which is hidden the true knowledge of basic law of self-development of information systems. What kind of law is it? (Mat.5: 17) Do not think that I came to violate the law or the prophets: I came not to violate, but to fulfill. " EXAMPLE OF INTERPRETATION "O. RULING postulate Dynamics of Time Relative to DYNAMICS SPACE " 0.1. The Law of Time establishes a simultaneous order for our familiar world of three-dimensional phenomena. Simultaneous procedure is a principle of corresponding frequency 13/20/27/34 in all its infinite possibilities, where: 13 - characterizes us one Shabbat principle in a synchronous manner consecutive days, 20 - two Shabbat, 27 - three Shabbat, and 34 - four Shabbat! These principles are reflected in the Word of God, teaching that seem like the Torah and the Gospel and the Koran as his trinity! And it is the Word of God can be transmitted to us, for example, through the signs of the Hebrew alphabet, where in addition to the basic 22 characters, where the first and last will be owned by the living Word of God, ie is 20 characters, we can observe more and 5 of the so-called soffit characters that symbolize our end of a word in which they can attend! 0.2. In three-dimensional world of physical bodies are held in space by the law of gravity. Kinetics, celestial mechanics and dynamics of space - subject of the third dimension that describe the motion of bodies in space, which can be described through the symbolic marks of the Hebrew Language. 0.3. Otherwise, these studies do not provide the essential descriptions of the impact of time on the movement of bodies in space. The introduction of variable coordinates (x, y, z) space science can measure the duration of the movement of bodies, but this option does not have the time. Length - no more than a relative measure of motion between the three conventionally fixed points in space. The basis of three-dimensional concepts of time is the principle of measuring the length of the space. The measurement of time in these concepts is based on the possibility of mechanical watches, the length is measured displacement of the body within the arc of the spatial circle. This process has nothing to do with the true nature of time, so as entirely dependent on the properties of a physical phenomenon that characterizes us cyclicity of the processes that we observe in some or other mechanical watches. 0.4. Only the Law of Time (which can be presented as information - Temporal relationships of the complementarity principle of the Living Word of God, revealed even in scientific research as reshimot "elastic vacuum") provides mutual synchronization of the spatial bodies. This means that at any given time in the universe, the Law, the rules synchronous all bodies belonging to the immediate manifestation of the universal order. The Law of Time has the purpose of spatial bodies as part of a holistic (256 bodies a living creature), are aware of the fullness of their relationship. This is a synchronous system, which does not depend, for example, from the constraints of the speed of light in this space, which gives us the theory of relativity. 0.5. Simultaneous order is a "vertical", a comprehensive order, the axis of which - the "eternal now". A three-dimensional space - a "horizontal" order of the material world. Simultaneous procedures may be perceived by consciousness only as the integrity of the narrative of the Living Word of God. 0.6. Understanding the nature of simultaneous conscious about the kingdom of Time, as the kingdom of names - Shaman God encourages and coordinates recognize the principle of supreme creative intelligence triune God. This principle of people and called "God". The purpose of the supreme creative intelligence - to maintain the ordering of the universe according to immutable principles that form the basis of its original intent. These principles are subject to the Law of Time, for example, in Religion: T (E) = Religion, where T (time) is expressed by the ratio of 13/20/27/34 in four Shabbat principle, for example, which according to the complex relations of projective geometry as a copy, we can reflect the properties of the original, and E (energy) - any discrete phenomenon, which (at in a timely fashion) should always be aesthetic the living Word of God. 0.7. In the perfection of the order of the universe invariably accompanies the process of translating a single creative idea, and which is contained in the Living Word of God. In Hinduism, it determines the Laws of Karma and Dharma, and the Laws of Halacha in Judaism 365 prohibitive commandments of the Torah and the Laws Fairy Haggadah 248 permits Commandments of the Torah. Thus, the Law of Time, for example, T (E) = religion, law synchronous phenomena (as ways of manifestation of vital energy) of the natural three-dimensional space. This law is absolute in its perfection. Religion, in this case, by definition - a natural and spontaneous connection time and information space, in tune with the frequency of 13/20/27/34. Thus, in this example, Time - is a religion. 0.8. Frequency 13/20/27/34 time as a universal and absolute principle of synchronous interaction of bodies, define their movement in time and space. This highest principle of human relationships of all the bodies - both moving and stationary. Being fully conscious the living Word of God and affordable mental perception, this principle determines the mental and telepathic orderliness of the universe. 0.9. The Law of Time understandable only at the level of consciousness of the Living Word of God. The degree of perception by the individual determines the level of its evolutionary progress on the scale of transition from a purely biological states of being in a purely mental state. Until his conscious decision, the Law of Time is perceived as either pre conscious or unconscious as a factor of nature. A rising median through on "Jacob''s Ladder", we can reach and beyond the conscious state of direct conduct of God! 0.10. The conscious adoption of the Law of Time is infinitely expands the possibilities of telepathic interaction between any of the bodies. For bodies, conscious Law of Time, the fact of entering the telepathic field defines their understanding of causation potentially - the speaker time (celestial harmonics Names of God). 0.11. Celestial harmonics Names of God (the dynamics of the time) - the same for the submission supermastergroup Decree regulating secondary formations, that celestial mechanics (the dynamics of space) - for the first three dimensions. It is well known that the scan coordinate system, constructed according to the principles of the dynamics of space, traces the path of movement of an object from one "body-in-space" (for example, from the Earth) on the other "body-in-space" (say, Mars). Similarly, the sweep of the vectors of time contributes to the displacement of a "body-in-time" to another. These "body-in-time" called the time-vector potentiality. 0.12. From the perspective of four (four Shabbat) time, space is infinitely lokaliziruemaya point (or set of points) within the infinitely lokaliziruemogo space. Each point of space - a potential place of "meeting" absolutely infinite set of time-frequency range vector potentialities 13/20/27/34. Their intersection is in the area, potentially compatible with the space. 0.13. Point in space, combined with any of the absolutely infinite sets of time-vector potentialities, is either conscious or unconscious before to the possibility of their implementation, or evolves from consciousness to consciousness in the kingdom over time. Practical application of speaker time (celestial harmonics Names of God) is only possible point of space, which reached a conscious or superconscious state. A distinctive feature of the superconscious points - its ability to targeted alignment of multiple time-vector potentialities, according to the plans of God contained in His Living Word, and is even a physical "elastic vacuum" as reshimot his information! |