EXAMPLES OF EIGHT COUNTERPARTS most important signs of the Hebrew alphabet
It is necessary to sharpen the reader''s attention on the fact that:
1. As the Living Word of God was untimely sound since the beginning of His Creation!
2. It is only natural that its elements, such as, for example, we are considering the most important signs of the Hebrew alphabet were perceived in different religions, religious schools and even in science, as their analogues, represented by their different names!
An interesting view of Timothy Leary in his book "History of the Future", in the first part, the possible eight phases of the history of biological life. He writes:
"The history of biological life (and humanity included) it''s best to describe in terms of the evolution of the nervous system. Instead of anthropological categories, based on geography (driopitek Javanese, etc.), opportunistic behavior (neolithic man), we offer the following periods neyrogeneticheskoy evolution, consisting of eight phases:
1. Phase one-celled aquatic invertebrates: the approach-avoidance to vegetative survival.
2. Phase vertebrates: territorial domination and exploitation of gravity.
3. Phase hominids: manipulation of symbols, abstract, symbolic thinking, verbal communication, manufacturing tools.
4. Phase of industrial man: the nervous system imprinted on the social role, thus giving rise to the division of labor, caste and class division. All for the survival of certain species. This completes the larval evolution of Mind. Follow the four phases of evolution are designed for survival in the info-worlds <territorial> covering space of micro-and macro (the structure of a single atom to the infinite space-time universe). These four phases are responsible for mastering:
5. The body of the ship in the info-and hyperspace.
6. Nervous system as a self-governing bio-computers.
7. Genetic code as a molecular understanding.
8. Metafiziologicheskimi fields of energy of the universe.
Each of the eight periods of biological evolution is associated with significant changes in morphology, behavior, physiology, and, most importantly, neurology. Despite the fact that these changes are obvious to the most ignorant observer, their psychological philosophical implications are still not understood larval scientists and philosophers. This may be explained by the fact that the human species itself goes through the same eight phases of development and until recently had been largely occupied with four major collective vyzhivatelnymi processes (vegetative, political, technological, social).
Timothy Leary, ibid, presents us with a possible eight phases of development of individual nervous system:
"Similarly, the eight stages of biological evolution, the human nervous system sequentially through eight phases of self actualization. In each phase is activated and imprintiruetsya new path, which is complementing the previous, creates an individual consciousness.
1. Biovyzhivatelnoe (unicellular) consciousness. It is characterized by the perception, processing and transmission of nerve signals, are responsible for cell health and reproduction. Metabolic security.
2. Emotional-motor awareness (consciousness mammals). It is characterized by perception, processing and transmission of neuromuscular signals responsible for the mobility of the body and control over territory. (Fight or run away?)
3. Symbolic - Artifact consciousness. Perception, the integration and transmission of information through gestures and abstract symbols (first alphabet). Creating a language and tools. Symbolic thinking.
4. Industry consciousness. Perception, the integration and transmission of nerve signals associated with sexual roles, type of activity and hierarchical status in the industrial culture. The following four contour of the nervous system designed to handle the somatic, the electron - nervous and genetic information, as well as to adapt to life in the info-and gipermirah.
5. Consciousness of the body. Perception, the integration and transfer of sensory-somatic signals beyond the control of government imprints. The independence of state institutions and laws of mechanics. The person can live without a clear reference to the three-dimensional space.
6. Consciousness of the brain. Perception, the integration and transmission of nerve signals at speeds of bioelectrical lattice (telepathy). Personality is formed not by the government and the environment (school, college, etc.), and by the individual. Cyber - electronic stage.
7. Consciousness of DNA. The deliberate change in the individual''s own DNA code. Perceives, integrates and transmits signals to RNA, making it possible biological immortality and symbiosis with the higher life forms.
8. Quantum consciousness. Perception, the integration and transmission of information signals at the level of energy fields of the universe. Post-biological existence. The merger with Meta - a physiological reason.
Thus, the goal of evolution - the Supreme Mind - achieved a consistent development of the nervous system and increase the ability to perceive, integrate and deliver all over a wide range of signals per unit time. Every contour of the nervous system, which is "plugged in" at certain stages of evolution teaches us something new. That is the meaning of the ancient Sufi parable, in which Mullah Nasreddin, the sage, always pretending to be a clown, jumping through the city on a donkey. "Where are you in such a hurry, Hodja?" - Asking his neighbors. "I am looking for my ass!" - He answers. At a certain stage of development in their own way to understand the joke - in - a joke. From our point of view, the donkey here is "magic machines", "secret knowledge", "alchemical elixir," or great "philosopher''s stone", bringing the wisdom of the worshiper. We are looking for it everywhere, moving on it. This is our nervous system. The same meaning is contained in the famous Zen riddle: "Who is the artist who did the grass green?"

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