CREATION OF GOD PEOPLE spiritual teachers of mankind as the Fifth DAY transformation of man
From the Torah, we can conclude that the creation of the People of God spiritual teachers of mankind can be attributed both to the Twelfth Day of Creation, God, or the fifth day of the Transfiguration of Man! And this is, to live on Earth, it seems Sixteenth additional element in the acquisition of which mankind has received direct Spiritual Guidance from God!
But what constitutes this additional item?
This additional element is the second soul of man that is born when a person turns to God directly!
And this second soul is born with spiritual teachers of mankind!
1. On the one hand must have a Master Apprentice!
2. On the other hand he became a pupil teacher - apostle, when he has to appeal directly to God, to know how to lead his disciples to God!
"Anyone who wants to awaken the higher worlds of action or speech, if you do this or it was not worthy - nothing wakes up. All of humanity goes to the houses of prayer to awaken the Higher Worlds, but few know how to do it. As close to the Creator only to those who knows how to appeal to him, and removed from those to whom it knows not how it is said: "The Creator is near to all the truly calling him." Truly - means that they know how to awaken the Truth. " (Zohar, 26:78)
As a result of this fact, according to Dr. Carlos Castaneda anthropological sciences have this double man - the nagual, emanating Information - Energy Glowing Egg, which he represents in "The Eagle of the Universe" is a double!
Second soul can be thought of as Ever - a Jew - a stranger, of course, who came from the Lord! And she has one six-thousandth part of Adam, which means the aggregate of all these souls spoke directly with the One God! And so she did not have to prove, because she perceiving directly from the Lord, they perceived it introduces Information - Energy Emanations to the rank of axioms! And in this it differs from the first goyskoy soul, which constantly need to build their own world of perception, proving himself what is good and what is Evil! And because this first soul, and sometimes spends the whole of human vitality, mental bogged down in the logical measure, weighing or that event, which she accepts!
And here it is appropriate to "open up" the mystery of what properties of the soul enclosed in a second word "Ihudah" ...
The first two characters of the word, in Hebrew, has never written separately from the other characters and words, passing the ordinance that "intimate" relationship with God is always associated with the object of His Creation ...
"I" - Yeshua - Jesus - the Savior - the Living Word of God - The door to God, and "h" - the breath of his life which was a "lively" Adam ... These two characters can be attributed to the restoration of the Treaty with God through the Scriptures of the prophets.
The third sign is similar to the word "union - and the" signs or "o" and "e" in the Russian language combining multi-word ...
The fourth and fifth characters of the word - "yes h" correspond, as in the Russian language - direct "descendant" languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit, the concept of "consent" (this second soul of the Jew Will of God) ... In Hebrew, this word means "fogging" Of course the Spirit who gives himself without reserve to the end of all creation. And for the person incurring it makes sense, patience and dedication, "his cross" spiritual duty - dharma and destiny - karma, from the previously committed righteous and the wicked affairs (in the past, including past lives), in accordance with the law, as described in the Torah ( Genesis 3:15).
Hence, therefore, on behalf of "Ihudah", and gets the name of religion is Judaism! And thus, the religion of Judaism, the name of "Ihudah" for all parts of the former 600 000 Adam, but disintegrated after his death, as independent of the soul, becomes a direct means of knowing the One Lord!
In the prayers of Jews turn:
1. And to God the prophet Abraham
2. And for God Prophet, Yitzhak!
3. And the prophet of God of Jacob!
So those three Persons of God, we may refer to the One God! And then in Judaism can be seen a complete analogy of the Trinitarian God, the One, for example, with three hypostasis of Lord Vishnu! Then:
1. God the prophet Abraham, in addressing the challenges of Knowledge, an analogy may be Maha-Vishnu!
2. God Prophet, Yitzhak - Garbhodakasayi Vishnu!
3. And the prophet God of Jacob - Kshirodakashayi Vishnu!
And because each Person of Vishnu has four arms, holding the four characters that we can present as an analogy of the four Vedas, for solving problems of Knowledge, we can identify those properties, for example, which fell to solve the 12 tribes of Israel! And, indeed, to achieve these objectives, according to the Torah, we can see that in times of global hunger, 12 sons of the Patriarchs of the Living Prophet Jacob had to go into exile "Galut" Egypt!
Now try to imagine the analogy of the tasks of knowledge, which must decide the 12 tribes of Israel, teaching their students belonging to all peoples of the earth, for example, according to the four Vedas of Hinduism. And since each hypostasis of God Vishnu has four arms, holding the four characters, then this analogy problems may be as follows:
1. Four Tribes of Israel undertake the knowing the will of God to solve problems of teaching their students the totality of the material energy, known as Mahat-tattva, in accordance with the four Vedas of Hinduism! Place the solution of these problems can be associated by us as a modern science!
2. Subsequent Four Tribes of Israel undertake the knowing the will of God to solve problems of teaching their students access to all the universes and create a diversity of life in them, again in accordance with the same four Vedas of Hinduism! And the place to address these problems may be associated as we have already Occult Science!
3. And the other four tribes of Israel undertake the knowing the will of God to solve problems of teaching his disciples spread themselves as ubiquitous Paramatma (Supersoul) in all hearts and in every atom of the universe, in accordance with the four Vedas of Hinduism! A place to address these problems may be associated as we have already Religion Theosophy!
And here we have to note that:
1. If the Fourth Day of transformation of man, and enlightenment of Five Elements, on the throat chakra in man manifests additional twelve petal lotus Kalachakra!
2. That is in the Fifth Day of transformation of man, we can see that in the environment of our habitat, the presence of Lotus into a living presence of the 12 tribes of Israel as spiritual teachers of mankind led directly to the One God!

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